I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind
What did I see, can I believe
That what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy
Just what I saw in my old dreams
Were the reflections of my warped mind staring back at me
'cause in my dreams, it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair
1.70, 62.90.65 the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released
Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
And as they start to cry, their hands held to the sky
And in the night, the fires burning bright
The ritual has begun, Satan's work is done
1.70, 62.90.65 the number of the beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight
I'm coming back, I will return
I will possess your body and I'll make you burn
'cause I have the fire, I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take it's course.

Las modelos brasileñas recién llegadas... me cae que así si me casaba.
3 comentarios:
y ellas...¿se casarían?
mmmmmm yo creo que si les dices que de lo contrario les echarás a migración puede suceder.
jajaja, bueno tampoco son guatemaltecas eh (con todo respeto para ese distinguido pueblo vecino)...
Según el último informe de la CEPAL, los países de América Latina con mayor inversión extranjera son: Chile y Brasil y en tercer lugar México.
si ui leiter oligaiter!
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